On Monday night I went to Steve's shop and bought myself a brown skirt and a real nice top. Technically my boyfriend bought me the top since he paid for it. He's so sweet. I plan to wear my newly acquired outfit to my cousin's 21st birthday party on Saturday night. More information regarding the party to come at a later date. I'll tell you what. It's so weird how buying a new outfit that you think you look really good in can boost your self-esteem so dramatically. I feel much more confident when I'm wearing my new skirt because I believe I look good in it. It's hard for me you know, because I can't really afford to buy many new clothes, but when I do, I always feel good. I also bought a new belt on Wednesday night that matches my skirt. :)
On Tuesday I had a two hour break between lectures and decided to finally go donate some blood since I'd been meaning to do it for ages. So in I go, all was going great until the nurse put the needle in my arm. Something went wrong because he took it out nearly straight away and called for assistance. Apparently as soon as he put the needle in my arm the area around it started to swell and bruise. So now I have a big bruise on my arm. It was so painful Tuesday night and Wednesday, it hurt to even move my arm. It still hurts now but only if I poke it, although occassionaly there is a pain down my arm. Not a good first experience. Not that the pain worries me that much, I was just really disappointed I couldn't donate my blood to help someone else. However, I won't let that get me down. I will probably go back next Tuesday to try again. Anyway, here's a somewhat blurred photo of my bruise.

Today I am back at work after having four days off so I could go to university. I now work Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Sigh. So much work, so little personal time. Well today whilst at work I have accomplished a little bit. I finished the first chapter of my Criminal Law book, which might not sound like much but it took me ages. As well as writing up a review for CSI: Miami on my website. You can check it out if you want by clicking on the "My Website" link.