The Melbourne Show
By 3:30pm it has started to rain very lightly, which was a concern because the clouds looked like they were prepared to give it there all. We had been meaning to attend the 3:30pm showing of Madagascar Live, however, due to our excessively long 20 minute shop around in the showbag shed, we just missed it. Doomed to wait another hour for the next show we went to the Dairy Pavilion and some other stalls, arriving at the performance 10 minutes early.
The question you may now be asking yourself is what showbags did we buy. Well, let me tell you. I got myself a Wonka showbag that came with a free Tingles showbag, while Jess got two Bertie Beetle showbags (valued at $1 each), a Freddo Frog showbag, and something else I can't remember.
So that is what I did today, and I have the candy to prove it.

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