Monday, July 25, 2005

Back to Uni

I started back at school today, only lectures this week though. First there was Introduction to Quantitative Analysis for one hour, then a four hour break within which I slept, and finally a two lecture for Constitutionalism where we learnt about Magna Carta. I bought a $75 book for Quant today leaving my cash on hand at $0. Now unfortunately I must work more days this week to bring the total back up so I can buy my Criminal Law book.

I have to say, I am a little disappointed...again. I told my boyfriend whilst at his house that I wanted to go home and get my things, go get some Bailey's which he wanted, and come back to his place to stay the night. But what do I get five minutes later, "I think I feel like watching Minority Report tonight". A movie which he is going to watch with someone else. So after telling him what I wanted to do and him not disagreeing to it, he went told me he was going out to watch a movie with one of his friends. I'm like fine. But him seeing that I am angry with him is like "I don't have to go. I won't go. You can stay over." Like fuck I'm going to stay now after being rejected like that. It's obvious he didn't want to spend more time with me, what with him having better things to do. So yeah, I am pissed off with my boyfriend at the moment.


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