Pink Horsies
AND we cleaned my unit. I threw out a number of items from my bathroom to make room for my newly acquired Palmer's Cocoa Butter (2x 500ml bottles plus a tube of concentrated cream for $15 at Priceline w00t!!1!pink horsies!11!!!). I also purchased 2 Covergirl items from Priceline for the price of one. Double w00t!! (w00t!! w00t!!).
I've been seriously stressed lately from uni. There is SO MUCH reading to do for law and I just don't have the time nor the patience to do it all. I think I'll have to cut my shifts at work down to just two a week, although I will feel bad for doing so and hence get more stressed. *sigh*. I just can't win. What I really need is a day at the beach or at the Melbourne Zoo. But alas. Not all is lost though. The Easter break will include a camping trip with mum, her boyfriend, and his kids. At least there is a little relax time on the horizon. Although, I'm not sure if you could call camping 'relaxing'.

Melody doesn't like it when the mean man comes to get her.
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